How Liposuction Is Performed To Reach Your Dream Body Shape

liposuction in Beverly Hills

Do you dream of having a shapely, aesthetically appealing body? With liposuction, those dreams can become reality. Even though you diet and exercise diligently, there are stubborn areas of fat that simply don’t respond. That’s where liposuction comes in. The procedure serves as a primary component of body contouring. Other techniques can get rid of problem fat, but standard liposuction provides the most dramatic results. Dr. Charles S. Lee of Enhance® Medical Center in Beverly Hills explains how liposuction is performed so that you reach your dream body shape.


With liposuction, your surgeon removes excess fat by suctioning it out through minute incisions with a special device. Although liposuction is used on virtually any body part, the procedure is most recommended for contouring the:

  • Abdomen
  • Back
  • Buttocks
  • Chin
  • Flanks, or the so-called “love handles”
  • Hips
  • Neck
  • Thighs
  • Upper arms

Keep in mind that liposuction is not a weight loss procedure. Liposuction candidates must have a stable body weight with pockets of fat that don’t respond to diet and exercise.

Liposuction Procedure

Prior to the procedure, the surgeon takes photos of the treatment area and marks the designated sections. Depending on the extent and location of treatment, the patient receives either general anesthesia or local anesthesia with sedation.

With tumescent liposuction, as opposed to traditional liposuction, there is no need for general anesthesia. A warmed liquid containing intravenous fluid, along with lidocaine and epinephrine, is injected into the treatment area. This liquid causes the fat to become swollen and firm. It’s easier for the surgeon to contour the area using tumescent liposuction, and it’s safer for the patient.

A cannula, or small tube, connected to the suctioning device is inserted into the fatty layer. The fat is then sucked out.

You must have someone drive you home after undergoing liposuction.


Plan to take at least a week off from work after liposuction. You should expect some swelling and drainage around the incisions. It usually takes between four and six weeks before you can resume vigorous exercise. 

Your Dream Body 

You won’t see your dream body immediately. It unveils itself gradually over the next one to three months, depending on the amount of fat removed. Swelling accompanies liposuction, as is true of any invasive procedure. Once the swelling subsides, you’ll see your liposuction results.

As long as you continue following a good diet and exercise program, expect your new contouring to last for years. The fat cells removed via liposuction don’t come back.

Choose Enhance® Medical Center for Liposuction

If you would like more information about liposuction and how you can achieve your dream body, contact Enhance® Medical Center today. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Lee and his team, please call (310) 271-5954. He will answer all of your questions and provide specific instructions regarding liposuction preparation.

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